In the Collaborative Divorce approach, a professional team supports couples through the emotional aspects of divorce as they resolve the legal and financial issues. Both spouses retain an attorney who has had Collaborative Divorce training. The parties and lawyers all sign a commitment to reach a settlement without going to court.
Depending on the circumstances, other members of the Collaborative team may include divorce coaches, financial professionals, mediators, or a child specialist – all of whom are trained and committed. Attorney Jennifer Lawrence is a collaboratively trained attorney and can assist with a collaborative approach to your divorce.
Contested Divorce
Contested divorce means the spouses do not agree on some aspect of the dissolution of their marriage. This includes property division, debt division, parenting time, custody, child support or spousal support. Making assumptions or agreements without counsel can be catastrophic to your finances and your family. If you have a contested divorce on any of the above issues it is best to meet with a qualified legal professional to understand your rights.
Fault: Michigan is a no-fault divorce state. Many people believe that they need to prove why the other person is at fault. Fault can be considered for some aspects of the divorce process; however, these issues can be complex and need to be discussed with knowledgeable legal counsel.
Uncontested Divorce
Uncontested divorces are those where the parties have come to agreements on all issues surrounding the dissolution of the marriage prior to meeting with an attorney. In some cases, the parties can utilize a legal professional to walk them through the process, prepare the forms and assist with the entry of divorce.
Attorneys may also offer limited scope representation where the attorney drafts documents and prepares the client procedurally for the steps to finalize the divorce, but does not represent the client in the case. Limited Scope representation may be available for clients on various issues and should be discussed with the attorney to determine if your case is appropriate for limited scope representation.
Financial Planning for Divorce
Divorce and separation will have financial consequences for both parties. Being prepared for financial questions will have a direct impact on the ability of an attorney to assist with divorce planning. Clients can assist their counsel in preparing for an appointment or filing an action for divorce by obtaining the important information necessary to proceed with a case.
These documents include the following:
- Recent Credit Report- can be obtained at no cost once per year
- Tax Returns
- Bank statements, credit card statements and mortgage statements
- Retirement and investment information and statements
- Budget worksheet with current income and expenses